Rocky Balboa Movie Review

I'm down, but I'm not out! Thanks to Nekotwins, I was able to finish this review on her computer. This review being Rocky Balboa, the sixth and final movie in the "Rocky" franchise. Oh, I'm aware of Creed, but technically that's (blog post) a "Spin-off series." Nevertheless, Rocky Balboa sought to do what Rocky (blog) V failed to. That being, bri

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Total Recall Movie Review

One of the most technically impressive movies of it's time, both for the use of CGI when such things were unheard of and the massive practical effects budget at work. It's also based on a short story you probably never heard (blog post) of, but does that matter? It's got Arnold Schwarzenegger, gunfire and explosions.Source: Total Recall Movie Re

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300 Movie Review

300 is a story of a time when 300 Spartans defeated ONE MILLION PERSIANS! Also, it's not exactly historically accurate, as some say it funny horror movies was probably more like a couple thousand versus a few tens of thousands, but why let truth get in the way of a good story?Source: 300 Movie Review - (blog post) Decker Shado More Videos

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Kill Switch Movie Review

Continuing the Summer of Steven Seagal, we look at a movie from 2008 written by the man himself. Obviously.. He's the most celebrated detective in the country, has (blog post) a beautiful wife, his beautiful wife dies, and he (blog post) single handedly stops not one, but TWO serial killers! Aside from how ridiculous it all is, how does it fare a

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie Review

After two less than stellar sequels, things seemed to be on the right track with Jurassic World bringing the Jurassic Park franchise back to it's roots. A big blockbuster dinosaur flick that did so well, sci-fi movie reviews another entry in the series seemed obvious. Indeed, this movie made horror movie gangbusters at the (blog post) box office,

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